Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Good News, Bad News and Twins

So on Monday evening, the vet came out to take a look at my girl's leg once again. We had put her in the round pen, then in a stall at night, then round pen again for most of the day, all with her splint boots on.  The vet arrived. We took off the boot. The lump was again as small as it was when I got the go ahead to let her back in with her homies!

The vet that this convinced her more than ever that it is not in fact a fracture, but since it is acting strangely, and we don't want to waste any more time, we did some x-rays. Of course, this is the time that Skye decided to be a bit of a pain in the butt. She didn't want to be in the grooming bay, she didn't want to stand still, and she was acting nippy of all things. There was a half a bale of some gorgeous delicious-smelling hay right behind her, so I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that's why she was being so bad. At one point, I looked her in the eye and said to the vet "I'm going to let her make the mistake (biting me) then correct her for making it."  I was pretty confident that she wouldn't really use her teeth on me (and I had a coat with thick arms!).  She looked at me when I said it, and I raised my eyebrows and raised my chin, as if to say "You looking at me?" Then she dropped her head a fraction of an inch, and though she didn't completely drop her attitude, the nippiness and restlessness stopped. The vet said if that's as bad as she gets, and it is, she is still pretty firmly in the good girl category.

Now we are waiting for the x-rays back. (She was taking more for someone else on Tuesday and asked if I minded if she processed them the same day.) However, the vet doesn't think there is a fracture, and that we may just have to leave it wrapped, keep her stalled at night and relatively contained during the day for the next 5 days, then ease her out of the wrap by leaving it unwrapped 2 hours a day, then 4, then during the day etc. This still sound like a long time before I will be able to ride her but I'm trying to be okay with it, as it is too cold this week (not really, but it is colder than it has been). When it is nice maybe I get on Reebok, or take a turn on my main man Ike or maybe even Bon Jovi.

Poor Skye. She is pretty sick of this whole thing, and she is clearly blaming me. Luckily, the dinkies don't blame me for anything, and Bravo let me rub him a good while long after I ran out of cookies. And while I was waiting for the vet I went and visited Reebok. I stood by the gate, and he came right over.  I loved on him, and he rested his head on the gate and leaned onto my head.  He is such a sweet affectionate animal. So many horses are somewhat inscrutable, and his expression is always the same, but his actions are always open and affectionate.

He's looking rather elegant and pensive here.
He has a lot of deep thoughts that he keeps to himself.

Today I got there to see her and make sure she got her round pen time with a buddy. Valerie (who owns Wren) was there with Gray at the ready to her buddy for the day. We put them together and then she mentioned that she needed to go to the lower barn to make sure the miniature horses were out. I had Claire with me, and both of us were all over going down there to see the twins.

As usual, my photo of them doesn't do them justice.
They are adorable, and a gorgeous bay color.

The twins are two year old Belgian Warmblood fillies who are out of Utah, a sweet mare up at the main  barn who can't be ridden because she has a "frozen hock" (result of weird treatment before Erin got her). They are so sweet and beautiful. I can't believe I had never taken the time to come see them before. Both of them are bay with stars and look like they could be Skye's daughters. So yes, they are exquisite. I fell in love with the smaller one instantly. Instantly, I tell you. I will be down there again soon. Like I have so much time to do that.

Remind you of anyone? Not that I
play favorites. Look at that face.

I was also happy to see Munchkin and Mistletoe. It's only been a few days that they have been down there, but it seemed like longer.

The Mincredibles, looking a little forlorn. They are used to
a lot of attention, as they irresistible.

It was beautiful out, even if it was a little chilly,  and we had a little time, so got out Reebok and lunged him in the big arena for a little bit. Unfortunately, he was not nearly as cooperative as he had been on Saturday. I had some trouble getting him away from me. All he wants to do is hang right next to me and get love. I did succeed in getting to go out and circle a few times in  each direction, and to back up a little.  I think I will work on moving his body around with me close to him, as he seemed to pick that as his specialty today. He was so sweet though, and his leading has improved almost 100%, even going back to the pasture. He whinnied much much less today (maybe only twice) and wasn't really pushy about going back to the pasture. He loves to get his rubs and hugs after I let him go. I think he actually enjoys it a little, as he clearly enjoys being with me. I know he will learn faster if I am firmer (as Skye will), but I'm a sucker for a sweet animal. Or a pretty animal. Or an ornery animal that has a bad history . . . .

Claire and I did some Dinky Duty before we left, and Bravo loved her. He let her rub his back a long time and touch his ears. She was enchanted, as he is bewitching with his liquid eyes and little black snoot. I, of course, am immune to the charms of miniature donkeys. A veritable tower of strength.

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