Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Back in the Saddle!

Yes, I have been gone for a long time. Where have I been, you might ask? Middle school! My twin boys have been in middle school and the school day is bizarre (9:15am - 4:15pm) and the homework load ridiculous. So with work, the kids, the pets and Skye, something had to give. Unfortunately what gave was writing this blog, which I enjoyed so much.

But they only have 6 more weeks of the horror that has been this school, and I have decided to get back to blogging, and in a bigger way. I am going to move the blog from Blogger, where this is appearing, over to a self-hosted Wordpress Site called Blogger is really easy but with so many people with a Google account and me with several Google accounts myself, I am sick of logging in and out all the time. I have actually sat down to blog a couple of times, but couldn't remember which account went with which thing, and then it was too late to blog.

In any case, it has been about a year and a half since I wrote on here, but a lot has happened.

First, and most importantly, Skye is still the most beautiful horse there is.
Still makes you feel bad for other horses,
doesn't it?

Second, I have moved Skye twice in the past year. Although I loved my time at Blue Wave, I opened my own practice which required some money conservation on my part. I tried a place that was deliciously close to my house and where I could work off part of my board, but it was more work than I could realistically handle and even then a little too expensive with my uneven income stream. I was lucky enough to find a perfect place that makes Skye happy, where she gets great care that fits in my budget. And a couple of my Blue Wave buddies are out there too.

Third, I fell off that mare. I knew it was going to happen and it did. I will devote an embarrassing post to that.

Fourth, and very best of all, I got to see a foal born at Blue Wave. It was wholly unexpected but all went beautifully and the baby was so precious.

There are a lot of things I missed blogging about, so as I get back into I will go back in time and write about the stuff I didn't put down. So it will be just like traveling in time.

Yes, you will also get to hear about this guy!

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