Sunday, October 14, 2012

Picture Day

My brother Tim was in visiting from Colorado this week, so today I took him and my mom to see Skye and the barn. Tim is an avid photographer, so he brought his camera, which reminded me to bring mine.  It was slightly overcast, which is perfect picture takin' weather. so we were pretty shutter-happy.

Of course, it goes without saying that my girl herself was looking pretty spiffy today.

Here comes gorgeous.

Happily enough, she came up to me immediately and acted like she was my horse. She has been great about this for the past week or two, but I figured if I brought someone out to see her she would immediately act like "who is this woman?"

We took several more of her, but many of them contain me, which is a surefire way to ruin a perfectly good photograph. I'm going to edit myself out of one really good one, post it on here, then lose 40 pounds and get a better haircut before considering posting one of the two of us.  I think standing next to Skye, who looks exactly the way a horse should look, makes me even less photogenic than usual, which is saying something.

As it happened, that sweet rescue Reebok was right near the gate, and everybody in the herd was picking on him! Skye is the alpha, and at one point she'd had enough and chased the bullies away. She pinned her ears at him, but wasn't nearly as aggressive as any of the others. Of course, it's because as lead mare, and the largest horse in the herd, she doesn't have to be, but for purposes of my indulgence of my girl, we're going to pretend it's because she is a kind and benevolent leader.  In any case, he survived and was later brought out for some round pen work. Here is his sweet self.

Rescued sweetheart boy

I could just kiss him on the forehead, but what I ended up doing was putting some boo boo goo on him later, as he has a nasty bite on his side, which you can see in the picture. The stuff I use really helps the fur grow back, so while my gloved hand was goopy, I put some on him. He was, of course, a good boy. Like other rescue animals, he seemed to be grateful.

Of course both Tim and Mom fell in love with the dinkies, as they are normal humans, and all norman humans fall in love with the dinkies. I actually took a ton of pics of them, including one where one photobombs what would have been a great picture, but I will just post this one because it is just flippin' adorable.

Dinky eye candy

Take that LOL cats! Who's cuter than that? Nobody, that's who. I love these guys. Note the stripey legs on the one whose cute little rump is in this picture. We should all have stripey legs as far as I'm concerned.

No photo session at this place would be complete without a picture of the horses I call The Incredibles. Here they are:

The Incredibles

See why I call them The Incredibles? They are  Black, a big (I don't know his exact height, but he's a lot bigger than Goliath) Tennessee Walker/Friesian cross, and Ike, an 18.2 hand Percheron cross.  I don't know their whole stories yet, but they are both rescues and now look fabulous. They are so beautiful that the sight of them never fails to stop me in my tracks. I was actually very disappointed in this photo, as it does not show how intensely black and shiny they are. When I showed Dave this picture, he said they look like the horses ridden by the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings. And that is why Dave is not sought out for commentary about horse pictures.

There are so many beautiful horses at the barn that I will have to take a lot more pictures, as I feel slightly less obsessed with Skye when I take some of other horses. Because being obsessed with horses in general is much more normal than being obsessed with just one horse. Or that's the story I'm hearing.

I'm hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow, as I would like to have some more time with her like I had on Saturday. I feel like I am wearing down some wall between us, and I want that to continue. Good weekend. Good girl.

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