Wednesday, October 3, 2012

She's Really Got Me

I only spent a few minutes in Skye's company tonight, but the minutes I had were golden. I knew I couldn't go out tomorrow and probably not Friday, and I can't even be there for the vet visit tomorrow, so I wanted to just see her, even if it it was only for a minute or two. The boys had a ton of homework, again, and I didn't have the heart to leave them until they had at least finished half of it.  What I forgot was how fast darkness is falling now, so by the time I got out to the barn at 7:15, it was past twilight and night was falling.

I grabbed some of the notorious apple cookies and headed into the pasture to see her. She barely acknowledged me as I walked up, but then walked over lazily to see me after about a minute of me standing there. She was rewarded with the love of her life, the apple cookies. I then showed her my empty hands, and she immediately stopped asking for them. My smart mare. Then I checked her all over and looked at her leg, which looks great. I ran my hands over her, and just gushed about how gorgeous she is. She has heard it all before, so she basically ignored me.

You would fall for her too, if she followed you.

But then she won me over all over again. I gave her a rub then headed back to the gate, as it was getting dark. About two steps in I felt her, and turned around. She was following me in.  When I stopped and looked at her, she stopped too and just waited. She followed me all the way to the gate. It's a significant distance, and she'd already been fed. She was going with me to be with me. Ahhh. And just like that I am completely owned by that horse. I didn't even need to pretend to be Buck Brannaman.

Of course next time, she may balk at coming in with the halter, but that doesn't mean tonight didn't happen.

I love my horse.

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